
1000 unique girls names
1000 unique girls names

From Having hidden meanings such as Odette, meaning wealth in German, to Nadira, meaning precious or scarce in Arabic, finding out what your chosen name means can add that little extra connection to your daughter when you decide on a name.

1000 unique girls names

Whether you want a traditional name or an unusual baby girl name, you can be sure there is a meaning behind pretty much every name or word used to bestow upon a child. With so many words already being used, it can be challenging to find unusual baby girl names. There is nothing wrong with finding a unique and unusual name for your child. In recent years, variants of the same name with different spellings have cropped up Keeley, Kealeigh, Keelie, Keaghlie and so on at the end of the day, they are all pronounced the same.

1000 unique girls names

Shop our full range of Baby Shower Gifts online and add one of your unusual baby names to our personalised products!Įveryone has heard the stories about how someone thought they were choosing a special and unique name for their new baby only to find that specific name has never been more popular. Maybe you have found yourself wandering around your house shouting baby names to see how it sounds in real life, not just your head? Or perhaps the name association is too much, and some names are forever ruined due to past experiences with someone of the same name? South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (GBP £)Īre you looking for a beautiful yet unique baby name for your little girl for 2022? While the most popular baby names have long given parents-to-be inspiration for baby names, sometimes, you want a name you haven't heard before.

1000 unique girls names