"I can start/navigate the menu, but none of the options seem to work?!".This mod has been manually reviewed thoroughly by a forum's file moderator and is considered safe, otherwise it wouldn't have been approved. This mod is looking for key-presses (to navigate the menu) and is reading/writing to the memory of another process and some AV are nervous about that. Downloading the menu fails/"Why is Windows Defender/Avast/.At the moment the list of supported "Actions" is limited, but you can add hotkeys in the config file under "Hotkeys". For a list of keycodes, you could for example check out: īesides the menu navigation keys, you can also add hotkeys. Keybindings can be changed in the accompanying config.json file.

No responsibility is held or accepted for misuse. This is for EDUCATIONAL AND EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting. and to decrease/increase the current value. and to navigate up/down through the menu options.

Please try to charge back, it will be the only way to stop this! People are selling this mod, I have nothing to do with that.